St. john’s English Medium School
Komakhan, Rajim Rd CHHURA, Gariaband Dist: Chhattisgarh 493996

About the Almamater

Welcome to St. John’a English Medium School …………

An Institution with Holistic Approach To Education………

Established to Establish Radical Modalities in The Area of Education. Globalization in every sphere of life has increased the importance of Education. Situations demand such and Education that swerves from that of the orthodox ways. We have to affirm that Education is a life long Journey full of crativity ! A Journey that needs courage inspires resilience and achieves personal Excellence and immediate concern and response to the Community ! St. John’s English Medium Schoo, a vision turned reality was established in the year 2004, set an impossible step to impart a whole new approach to Schooling for the new Generation in and around this hamlet, Chhura.

Strategically located in a peaceful sylvan surrounding and enriched with post modern devices, currently offers Education from pre-School to Senior Secondary level in CGBSE System. Our aim is to work with a Mission and purpose to achieve an ever growing and ever expanding vision, to cross the limits and to strive to achieve a higher goal, with the Supreme Motto, “STANDING FOR EXCELLENCE AND STRIVING FOR TFUTH”. Here, at St. John’s Student’s vision, intelligence, aptitude,wisdom and imagination etc. are highly valid and respected ; be it the study, sports, or creativity, every inch of the sprawling campus of St. John’s motivates its children to reach the top, encourages to achieve the highest good ! The sublime blending of the modern technology and the Indian Culture Provides St. John’s a unique and distinctive ambiance for integral Achievements.

Our approach to Education is holistic in nature, a relevant process of progress in caring and nurturing our children at every stage and equip them to develop to enter in to a world with full of developed technical and professional skills with strong academic ambit, matched with social and moral ethos and values !


Excellence starts with a step, a step toward the better than the best.

The strength of SJEMS can be attributed to the commitment of the Management, Able guldance of the Boardof Directors, its team of committed teaching staff for whom teaching is not at all a profession but a pilgrimage and the band of ministerial staff all have blended together to facilitate learning and teaching at SJEMS a life pattern, an invincible way of Learning Experience, the fulfillment of the Founder’s vision and dream, day by day reinforced by the unlimited support of the patents ! All these, and above all, the ever flowing blessings from Almlghty God collectively make our Institution A Center of Excellence !


George Jacob


It is with a standing ovation only I could recollect those days when I and my late brother Mr. M.Y. Steaphen were having personal chatting, sitting very often under the cool of the hospital Compound, discussing about various subjects, sometimes official, sometimes personal and at other times the fate of the hospital after me, etc. etc. This kind of leisure time discussion culminated in the subject of starting an English Medium School at Chhura. Later, this idea became his only subject for discussion with me. And I had no option but to give him a blank permission to go ahead with his idea, and requested him to draw a blue print for the same.
He being a learn-ed educationalist was able to frame a structure for the same within no time. To me, starting a school was beyond my rich and thinking. He was a visionary; his vision about the remote villages in and around Chhura was was beyond anyone’s perception; though his stay at Chhura lasted for a short period only. His concern for the marginalized ordinary village folk was par excellent. He was moved by the inadequacy of the socio-cultural level of the villagers. This moved him to think on that line of starting an English Medium School at Chhura.
He moved fast. Sitting on as couch in his hut and sometimes under the shodes of the hospital compound he completed the Rules and Regulations of a society and Christened it as “The Human Welfare Fellowship Society, Chhura” within few weeks time. In record time we got its Registration too. Thus, in the year 2004 the society as well as the school became a reality. For this Endeavour, we got unlimited support from the public, without which this would not have became a reality.
I feel proud of my brother, who despite taking all pain to form the society dicided to stand second in position and dedicated himself to be the guiding spirit of the society and its functions from behind the curtain. He chose to be the second in command in all matters with regard to the day to day administration, but committed to train us to take the society to a new plane.
At this juncture, when the school from the humble beginning has grown up to a Higher Secondary School, out of the wonderful Grace that God Almighty has been showering on us, and the unlimited co-operation and helps we received from public, I could shay a big Thank you only to all those who shed their sweat to bring this School to this level, I hail before the Lord God Almighty who led us all, each member of the Management during the past. I am looking forward, for the showers of blessing, from Him, who alone is, the ground of our life and the life of the St. John’s family.


Ashish George Jacob

Managing Director

Dear Reader,
Greeting to you from St. John’s Family.
I take this opportunity to address you on behalf of St. John’s (English Medium High School) Family in and through this medium.
Of course, you all will agree with me, that we live in an age where Education has become a business, more over a profit making device. Admidst such a situation, St. John’s is unique in its system of operations. This uniqueness alone is this spirit and soul of our School. This uniqueness is comprised of many a factors; Education without discrimination is the prominent among them : bringing English Education to the remote villages of this part of our State is yet another radical step that St. John’s Family took up with deep conviction and commitment. Till the time we set a step further English Education remained a dream to many a villagers of this area who are not only innocent but were unable to afford the burden of English Education to their children outside the villages. St. John’s Family has taken up the strain and pain of that burden, imparting English Education at a very low cost. A long Cherished dream (English Education) of the ordinary village folks, we prevailed over to realize it. We impart English Education to the children belong to the far off villages that lay about 30 km. away. We could proudly say. We educate them with pride whose social status lay ay the bottom level of our financial as well as other structure. We are committed to empathize it impart quality and holistic education and without any discrimination to his/her family background, financial status, caste colour or creed. We envisage an egalitarian society to prevail over our culture and society, at St. John’s it is our earnest desire, and also it is our hope, that each student who passes out from this family, shall qualitatively be different from the products of other Institutions, who attract students with their colourful advertisements and pomp and shows.
We wish, all our students shall be successful to address the issues and problems of the present and future society with full confidence, proper vision and with right resolution.
On behalf of the St. John’s family, a warm welcome is extended to you step in, be a member of this family, experience the warmth of love, care and the discipline. In turn we assure you, your ward shall be equipped molded and shaped in such a way that you will never have to repent about the future of your ward. We invite you co-operate with us to help you and your young generation. Thank you


Bindu George Jacob


An education Institution is the citadel of learning, peace, integrity and Harmany. It is a home where students of all races, culture, Religions and status are trained in different skills. It is the matrix where they are malted and molded to be worthy citizens and leaders of our society and at large our Nation.
Plants are developed by cultivation and man by education. St. John’s tries to impart genuine and qualitative system of Education. This provides strength to the students to address the challenges more effectively than anyone else. It focuses a holistic approach, where mental, spiritual and physical realms of the students are developed together but separately collectively and equivocally.
Academic excellence alone cannot support them to stand on the Pedestal of success, unless and until they accept the Fatherhood of God builds relationship with one another marked by love sincerity and self-giving.


Mr. Lovit Ratnakar


As an educational institution our school is dedicated for quality education and over all development of the students. It is a matter of joy that our school is completing its 18th years of serving the community, further every year we feel the cooperation of the parents are becoming more cordial with the management, that helps a lot in maintaining the quality of teaching, I wish let this continue as it was during yester years.
The environment of the school makes it explicit, how much dedicated is the management with regard to the quality of education. The system instituted is such that the level of standard of the school shall never go downward, but shall progress year after year. The management is very keen in observing each and every system properly and correction are done wherever it is necessary. It is really a matter to be appreciated that a student right from her/his early childhood is taken care of by the same team of staff continuously. This too furthers the impact of the staff in molding the personality of each and every student. This system has a parental effect on the children.
I wish, this kind of a system shall only help to produce such pupil who shall be worthy for building our society and nation.